CSKA Moscow is one of the best basketball clubs in Europe. They approached them with the task of announcing the trails for their basketball school. They needed a bright and inspiring idea that could be easily executed. Their idea was very simple: Stick up Announcements of the trails for the basketball team in the streets, near to the city’s public sports areas. But… they stuck them so high that only the tall, those that could jump or those with initiative could reach the announcement and rip of the unique code which they could get into the trials. 1560 Announcements were printed, in other words 18720 unique codes. 579 kids turned up to trials at the basketball school, there was an increase of 37% from the previous year. All this and not 1 cent was spent on media placement.
Client: CSKA Moscow Basketball School
Agency: BBDO Moscow, Russia.
Country: Russia
hi.My name is Joseph Munyoro Wanguo. i am 6,2 and i play for KCA university team league and am requesting if you could consider me playing for you....i would really appreciate that...thank you...