Friday, September 11, 2009

Art Held Hostage

With many non-profits struggling during these economic times, a group in Denver wanted to put a spotlight on the arts. To make people aware that public art and all art in the city comes at a cost, public art pieces across Denver were covered with black plastic and wrapped with yellow caution tape.

The URL of was also featured prominently, and on that site people can pay ransom notes and learn more on how they can get involved. Very clever guerrilla marketing.

Kill That Caterpillar

If you are making a product and are thinking of sending a gift to a store that sells your stuff, you should do a bit more than just having your logo on it. On the clock featured here you don't even have to know that Nomolt sells stuff to kill caterpillars, but you will figure it. The message is something like: "The end of caterpillars is near - NOMOLT insecticide BASF." Somehow though I feel bad for that caterpillar.

Casino di Venezia- Never Ending Fun

Casino di Venezia is much more than just a casino. It's in a unique place, Venezia, built in 1836 is the first casino in the world and offers much more than gambling. A true infinite emotion. Outdoor from ADMCOM BOLOGNA.

Client: Casino di Venezia
Agency: ADMCOM
Country: Italy

Latet- 200,000 Holiday Meals Need

An Urban Protest Exhibit featuring 1.3 kilometres of dinner tables. All the tables are empty: empty plates with forks and knives, to demonstrate the need for 200,000 holiday meals. The billboard carries a single message: Give 200,000 holiday meals. Donate a holiday meal by sms to 2255 or go online:

Client:- Latet
Agency: Shalmor Avnon Amichay /Y&R Interactive, Tel Aviv.
Country: Israel

Greenline Gym- Threadmill

To promote a well-being centre, a communication activity was developed with the aim of establishing a presence in one of the places where people make key lifestyle decisions: the supermarket. The creativity was based on the idea of turning a check-out conveyor belt (feeding your food to the operator) into a treadmill (the classic calorie burner).

Client: Greenline Gym
Agency: JWT Milan, Italy.
Country: Italy

Parkinson’s Victoria: Skill Tester

The slowness, rigidness and shaking limbs often associated with Parkinson’s disease can make simple, everyday tasks virtually impossible.

For non-sufferers it’s difficult to comprehend an existence where opening a carton of milk or using a telephone is an impossible task.

DDB/Rapp, Melbourne helped people experience this complete lack of physical control for them-selves by filling arcade style skill-testers with everyday objects.
The agency then placed them around Melbourne; collecting $1 coins to fund help Parkinson’s Victoria’s research at the same time. In the first 12 hours over $5000 was collected.

Client: Parkinson’s Victoria
Agency: DDB/Rapp Melbourne
Country: Australia

Rentokil: Never Just One

Using special reflective inks illuminated by street and car headlights Republik Auckland illustrated that where there's one roach, there will be others lurking somewhere in the darkness.

Client: Rentokil Pest Control
Agency: Republik Auckland
Country: New Zealand

Scared Of Losing Your Hair? Ask Doctor For Folliderm

The task was to increase Folliderm prescriptions - a brand that prevents hair loss by strengthening hair roots. Hair fall is an extremely common condition, but seldom referred to a doctor. They had to tap this potential. The use of brand name was not permitted. The use of the brand name was not permitted.

So they used a surrogate brand name based on its unique formulation: Power of 1+4. They used elevators in corporate offices and residential buildings to deliver the message. A face of a man was stuck on the elevator door, in a way that his hair was stuck on one door and the rest of his face on the other. When the door opened, the hair pulled away.

Another print was stuck in the inside of the elevator - where the man was shown bald. The line read: "Scared of losing your hair? Ask your doctor about Power 1+4". It was highly amusing for people - and the centre of conversation in the elevators. More importantly there was a significant rise in enquiries about the therapy among doctors in adjoining localities (where the creative was placed).

Client: Folliderm

Agency: Sorento Healthcare Communications Mumbai, India.

Country: India