Proximus Vodafone, the biggest mobile network provider in Belgium, developed the VMCC card : a network card that allows you high-speed access to the internet wherever you are i.e. Without wires or a WiFi connection.
The task for the agency was to highlight the efficiency of this product to companies and give it a lot of attention. As an advertising agency, they (Famous Brussels, Belgium) decided to set the example. On November 6, 2008, they set up a mobile office for a day. A big part of the agency worked the day in the middle of a field outside the city. Thanks to the Proximus Vodafone network cards, they had full access to their e-mails, calendars, our fileservers, the internet, etc. Everything they needed as an agency to do their job was available to them. As proof, they create a blogsite and had people; working outside, update it continuously throughout the day.
‘The ultimate proof that you can easily access the internet wherever you are'- received a lot of regional and national press attention, and was an item on dozens of blogs and websites. The price of this event (camping gear, a boyscout tent and some french fries) came to about 500 Euros. The same entry went on to win a Bronze Cannes Lions Media 09’.
The task for the agency was to highlight the efficiency of this product to companies and give it a lot of attention. As an advertising agency, they (Famous Brussels, Belgium) decided to set the example. On November 6, 2008, they set up a mobile office for a day. A big part of the agency worked the day in the middle of a field outside the city. Thanks to the Proximus Vodafone network cards, they had full access to their e-mails, calendars, our fileservers, the internet, etc. Everything they needed as an agency to do their job was available to them. As proof, they create a blogsite and had people; working outside, update it continuously throughout the day.
‘The ultimate proof that you can easily access the internet wherever you are'- received a lot of regional and national press attention, and was an item on dozens of blogs and websites. The price of this event (camping gear, a boyscout tent and some french fries) came to about 500 Euros. The same entry went on to win a Bronze Cannes Lions Media 09’.
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