At a set time twice a day, the hands of the clocks in the picture come together and align to form a sentence, delivering the following message-“Every 12 hours in Africa, over 2000 people die from AIDS because they have no access to care.” In Africa, more than 1600,000 million people die from AIDS each year because they don’t have access to treatment. The association Solidarite Sida (AIDS Solidarity) wanted to alert the Europeans to necessity of acting quickly against this situation. For the same BETC Euro RSCG, France teamed up with the association and created an Outdoor installation of 2m x2m, in association with the artist Nadine Grenier, composed of 321 clock mechanism. The bottom installation carried a call to action, explaining where people can get more information about the foundation and donate online-“Every Minute Counts. www.solidarite-sida.org”.
Advertising Agency: BETC Euro RSCG, France
Creative Director: Stéphane Xiberras
Art Director: Benjamin Le Breton
Copywriter: Arnaud Assouline
Account Management: Raphaël de Andréis, Xavier Royaux, Philippe Brandt, Elodie Andurand
Artist: Nadine Grenier
Outdoor: JCDecaux
Electrics: Labo Prod
Advertising Agency: BETC Euro RSCG, France
Creative Director: Stéphane Xiberras
Art Director: Benjamin Le Breton
Copywriter: Arnaud Assouline
Account Management: Raphaël de Andréis, Xavier Royaux, Philippe Brandt, Elodie Andurand
Artist: Nadine Grenier
Outdoor: JCDecaux
Electrics: Labo Prod
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